Mijn muziek / My music:

Hieronder kun je luisteren naar een deel van de songs die ik gezongen heb.

You can listen to a selection of my best songs here, on this page.


in willekeurige volgorde:

* eigen compositie (soms samen met anderen geschreven):

* my own composition, or a collab with other musicians:


  1. We Failed * (popnoir/ dark wave/ dreampop/ new wave/ artpop)
  2. Moon * (lyric video, popnoir/gothicjazz /artpop /artrock). Also on Spotify.
  3. Nightporter*(artrock, popnoir, gothicjazz). Also on YTSpotify.
  4. New Dawn Fades (orchestral, cinematic, classic, operatic, artpop)
  5. Billie Jean (artpop, gothic jazz, popnoir, classic, punk, opera, avantgarde pop, funeral, live music video)
  6. You Were Meant for Me (artrock, popnoir, artpop). Also on Spotify.
  7. Seeräuber Jenny (interbellum, musical, German tango, Bertold Brecht/Kurt Weill)
  8. Poppies in Flanders Fields * (jazzy start, Wagnerian final, gothicjazz, rock, opera, music video)
  9. Ik wil jou (nooit meer zien)* (rock)
  10. Breakfast:  (one of my favourite songs). Also on Spotify.
  11. An Invitation to Sin (like a James Bond theme, weird artpop). Also on Spotify.
  12. Two Boys * (melancholic, dark film music, orchestral Nordic Noir)
  13. Another Day (jazz, jazzy pop, bluesy soul, loungy r&b).
  14. Strange Fish (I wrote the lyrics, together with Richard Underscore) (bluesy jazzballad, music video)
  15. I Put a Spell On You (live popnoir, darkjazz, gothic-jazz, live music video)
  16. Erased * (melancholic, operatic pop, music video, artpop)
  17. Senta *(jazz, jazzy pop, bluesy pop, official music video).
  18. Blöder tango (German Tango, interbellum, live performance on the Rumanian television in Bucharest, on YouTube. And this is the studio version on Spotify).
  19. Connect to my song * (Dance, Edm, eurodance, gothicdance)
  20. The Forest * (film music, slow music, Nordic Noir, artpop)
  21. Butterfly * (jazzy popsong or poppy jazz) (Olsen Winter)
  22. Du wirst mir fehlen (interbellum, Duitse/ German Tango)
  23. Go Into the Future * (Edm, Dance, Eurodance)
  24. Lady Grinning Soul (David Bowie, artrock, pop). Improvised vocal final at the end of the song. Also on Spotify. 
  25. Conductor 71 *(progrock, symphonic rock)
  26. The Heel (jazzy lounge, neolounge, jazzy pop, r&b)
  27. Bite my Tongue (a collab with Dizzy Panda, remake, idm, melancholic duet, popballad, cinematic, epic popsong, operatic pop) This is the music video (with an actress, you don't see me)
  28. Stop the Rain * (hardrock, numetal, music video).
  29. In Bluebeard's Garden * (Kate Bush-ish, jazzy popballad, with string quartet)
  30. The Grey dictator (also on Spotify). (Wim Oudijk wrote that great song for me)
  31. Spooky Lullaby *(neo-classic, avantgarde, contemporary music).
  32. Politieman *(kleinkunst, Dutch ballad)
  33. Twins (experimental musical, artpop, avantgarde).
  34. Glastonbury Grove *(dreampop)
  35. Wings of the Night* (sweet melancholic popballad with stringtrio)
  36. Sample Explosion (fgt) * (experimental, arthouse, alternative electro, avantgarde).
  37. Mirror Gateway *: (experimental, avantgarde).
  38. Chillin’ Vocal Total * (experimental, avantgarde, electro)
  39. Watermage * (experimental, electro, avantgarde)
  40. Limiter Project * (popnoir, experimental)
  41. Hive Junction Total  * (experimental, avantgarde electro)
  42. Total Poet * (experimental, avantgarde, alternative electro)(parental advisory; explicit lyrics).
  43. Imitating Angels : (rock-noir, new wave, artrock, eighties, music video)
  44. Regen * (Nederpop, nedertango)
  45. When Sirens Call * (popnoir, classic, artpop, film noir music video)
  46. Blue Strike * (Blondie-esque pop, music video)
  47. Don’t Believe * (popballad, lovesong). Also on Spotify.
  48. Francis & Claire * (jazzy ballad, jazz ballad)
  49. Glass Ceiling * (with The Collaborators, numetal, hardrock, lyric video)
  50. Falling in love (with Wim Oudijk & Tin Pan John, avantgarde musical)
  51. Janet (Kleinkunst, Nedercabaret, ballad)

Photo credit: Iris van der Made.



In addition to the songs above and many more songs that I recorded with several bands and projects, I also sing and sung songs that I haven't recorded (yet). This is a playlist with songs and aria's that I sing or sung during several periods in my life and career.

Naast alle songs die ik met verschillende bands en ensembles heb opgenomen (waaruit je hierboven een selectie ziet) zijn er natuurlijk ook nog heel wat songs en muziekstukken die ik (nog) niet zelf in de studio heb opgenomen, maar die ik wel zing of (ooit) gezongen heb. Dit is een playlist met deze stukken. Het kan zijn dat ik iets vergeten ben.

Improvised music

Since March 2023 we also give completely improvised livestream concerts on our YouTube channel. Go to the Live section of the Chabliz-channel on YouTube to watch them.

Photo credit: Ron van Varik.